Friday 12 July 2024

Kytan Demon Engine - WIP part 2 - "Blood in the Water"

 So finally posting the update of the finished Kytan Daemon engine for my 30k and 40k Warhammer chaos armies. I was able to get him finished just in time for the Eye of Horus podcast event "EOHCON 2024" at the start of the year, was lucky enought walk away with the "Most Sinister" award as well for the conversion. 

 Below is a a few pics of the finished product and some action pics during the event. The second Kytan is in the wings getting slowly worked on. Will go more spooky green instead of the blood effects for a change on that one.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Kytan Demon Engine - WIP part 1 - "Skulls or blood?"

Finally back posting on the blogg, and this time with a cool simple conversion for the Kytan Demon Engine of Khorne. Very work in progress still and only about half done, but finally getting there and back on the hobby table.


Khorne Deamon Engine conversion


 Have had a couple of Kytan engines in a box of shame for ages and came across the idea of combinign them with the AOS Endless Spells weapons. A simple cut witha  jewlers saw and some pinning and bam! new weapon for the arm of each one and a really niced matched scale.

Khorne Deamon Engine conversion

Luckily there is the big axe and scythe so I could convert up one of each, I then replaced the heads with a ghostly skull from the same AOS endless spells kit.

Khorne Deamon Engine conversion

For base coating and metals I used an airbrush to put down a black then a dark tone silver, followed up by a zenith lighter silver. This was all then washed twice with the amazing Army Painter Dark Tone wash thinned down with some flow improver. 

Khorne Deamon Engine conversion

Group shot with the incoming Brass Scorpion as well!

Khorne Deamon Engine conversion with brass scorpion

Sunday 13 September 2020

Warhammer 40k Project: Necrons in White from the Indomitus Box, Skorpekh Destroyer Cult

 Finally got finished my Skorpekh Destroyer Cults from the Indomitus Box. I also settled onto a basing scheme as well. 

Necron Destroyer Cult units, Skorpekh Lord and Skorpekh Desroyers with Plasmacyte

I haven't had much luck on the table recently as I can never seem to make a charge to save myself! but really keen to see how it all shakes out in the new Codex in October. 

Bases Paint Scheme with GW paints:

- Base with Armageddon Dust

- Wash with Sepia Wash

- Drybrush with Screaming Skull

- Tufts to taste

Sunday 16 August 2020

Warhammer 40k Project: Necrons in White from the Indomitus Box, Overlord, Reanimator and Cryptothralls

More progress for my white Xbot Dynasty Necron army built from the Indomitus box contents. I was able to punch out a few more models over the last week or so. Having a lot of fun with the scheme but damn are the troops taking forever!

Necron Overlord in White
Necron Canoptek Reanimator in white
Necron Crytothrall in whiteNecron Cryptothrall In white

Friday 7 August 2020

Warhammer 40k Project: Necrons in White and the Necron Plasmancer

Plugging away at the new Necron Indomitus box sets with my new white, black and green paint scheme. The plasmancer was super quick to paint and the new Games Workshop Necron themed paints have been awesome to use. 

Necron Plasmancer Indomitus Box White paint
Paint Guide is as follows

- Airbrush black

- Airbrush light grey with shading from top down, couple of light layers will make it white

- Seal with matte varnish (important for allowing contrast paints to runs smoothly over the base colour)

- Contrast white over entire model

- Drybrush White

- Contrast black for skeleton parts

- Contrast Tesseract Glow for all the green parts, one coat, smooth and left to dry with no runs

- Runelord brass with a wash of Cryptek armoushade and drybrushed with canoptic alloy

Monday 3 August 2020

40K Project: Indomitus Necrons in Xbox Green!

Of course the hype for 9th edition got me bad and I have invested in a new Necron start up army from the boxed set of Indomitus. I wanted something bright and yet easy to paint in bulk as I was keen to flood the board with Necron Warrior squads with the new objective based scoring coming in with 9th edition missions. Believe it or not a white armoured force was super easy to commit to with the release of all the new contrast paints.

Necron Warrior painted with Games Workshop Contrast Paints

Necron Scarab painted with Games Workshop Contrast Paints

Paint guide:
- Airbrush black
- Airbrush light grey with shading from top down
- Seal with matte varnish
- Contrast white over entire model
- Drybrush White
- Contrast black for skeleton parts
- Contrast Tesseract Glow for all the green parts
- Runelord Brass on the detail with a wash of Cryptek Armourshade

Friday 19 June 2020

40k and 30k Projects: Dark Angels on the Horizon WIP

With the incoming new Horus Heresy Thramas campaign coming and having already done a Night Lords army years ago it feels the best time to start up a side project of Dark Angels. The biggest question is of course how to do the black for the old Heresy style armor!
Dark Angels 30k Horus Heresy outrider bikes

I decided on a dark silky midnight blue for the "black" of the armor. This contrasting with the red stripes and eventual checks/transfers on the armor should pop well. The deep dark blue was achieved in the following steps:

- Undercoat black with airbrush primer
- Airbrush heavy zenith highlight with dark grey
- Airbrush light zenith highlight with grey blue
- seal with gloss varnish
- wash with Drakenhof Nightshade
- sliver edging with Leadbelcher
- Reds with Khorne Red

I hope this was helpful to anyone looking to replicate and I have included a pic of the paints used.
Now I am working on some armor and heaps of infantry while I wait for some transfers to arrive.

Dark Angels 30k Horus Heresy Outrider bike and assault marine

Dark Angels 30k Horus Heresy outrider bike

Dark Angels 30k Horus Heresy outrider bikes

Dark Angels 30k Horus Heresy Vindicator Tanks

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Imperial Fists 30k event report for SEQsy Part 3

Ok, huge post and pictures warning...

Imperial Fists Seekers Painted, Horus Heres, 30k

This was the third event from the awesome lads at SEQsy Heresy here in sunny Brisbane down under. The format is two games, loyalist vs traitor with two specially selected book missions for the theme of the day, you can play a third game if you are drunk enough and don't have to drive home as the whole thing is run out of a pubs event room!

Missions were 1 and 2 from book two massacre and focused heavily on the use of scoring troops and killing the hell out of each other at 3000 points with LOW and Primarchs allowed.

I played Tim from the Eye of Horus podcast as my first opponent who was using a mates Khorne theme Demons of the ruinstorm. I took my Imperial Fists with a focus on outflanking and deepstriking turn two, while holding an Aegis line boosting reserve rolls and protecting a shadowsword with dreads and a Forgelord. I managed to snipe out one of the behomeths with a D shot and the Demon lord with focused fire from the rest of the army outflanking on turn 2. The fat terminator blob with a praetor and siege breaker dropped in behind his main demon blobs and forced him to respond. In both games the fat terminator blob ate huge amounts of armor saves like god damn bosses for once! I ended up winning the game 7-1 as I just had too much 13 and 14 armor for the demons to bounce off with their big boys dead early on. Demons are huge wound soaks though and you need to pick your targets and just dump on them until they die or you will get swarmed. Also you need to be ok with feeding the horde a sacrificial unit or two so the rest of your army can function and tries to do work on objective scoring.

Imperial Fists Terminators 30k Horus Heresy

Imperial Fists Terminators Horus Heresy 30k

Imperial Fists 30k Terminators horus heresy

Imperial Fists 30k horus heresy Landraider Proteus

Imperial Fists 30k Horus heresy landraider proteus

Second game was on the same table as I was unlucky/lucky and against a inductii feel no pain horde of World Eaters and Angron.
I approached it in the same fashion, castle up and bait the main horde into it and then outflank and deep strike into the scoring area while picking apart important threats one at a time. The abundance of lascannons and melta in my army really helped negate FNP rolls and with some clever positioning/shooting I even sniped out apothecaries quickly as most people put them in the rear of a squad. I kited Angron the whole match and kinda felt bad about it until my terminators failed a 4 inch charge and at something like 36 wounds from a half dead inductii squad that then charged them. I ended up winning again by playing keep away with my scoring units in the opponents backfield and blocking any chasers with my tanks as fists will make a wall out of anything... even their own men and machines if needed. My opponent like all the other dudes at the event was a champ and good dude with great hobby energy and sick army.

Imperial Fists Terminators

Here is the first rounds armies and tables as a bonus!