Showing posts with label Warhammer Gaming Mats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warhammer Gaming Mats. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Imperial Fists 30k event report for SEQsy Part 3

Ok, huge post and pictures warning...

Imperial Fists Seekers Painted, Horus Heres, 30k

This was the third event from the awesome lads at SEQsy Heresy here in sunny Brisbane down under. The format is two games, loyalist vs traitor with two specially selected book missions for the theme of the day, you can play a third game if you are drunk enough and don't have to drive home as the whole thing is run out of a pubs event room!

Missions were 1 and 2 from book two massacre and focused heavily on the use of scoring troops and killing the hell out of each other at 3000 points with LOW and Primarchs allowed.

I played Tim from the Eye of Horus podcast as my first opponent who was using a mates Khorne theme Demons of the ruinstorm. I took my Imperial Fists with a focus on outflanking and deepstriking turn two, while holding an Aegis line boosting reserve rolls and protecting a shadowsword with dreads and a Forgelord. I managed to snipe out one of the behomeths with a D shot and the Demon lord with focused fire from the rest of the army outflanking on turn 2. The fat terminator blob with a praetor and siege breaker dropped in behind his main demon blobs and forced him to respond. In both games the fat terminator blob ate huge amounts of armor saves like god damn bosses for once! I ended up winning the game 7-1 as I just had too much 13 and 14 armor for the demons to bounce off with their big boys dead early on. Demons are huge wound soaks though and you need to pick your targets and just dump on them until they die or you will get swarmed. Also you need to be ok with feeding the horde a sacrificial unit or two so the rest of your army can function and tries to do work on objective scoring.

Imperial Fists Terminators 30k Horus Heresy

Imperial Fists Terminators Horus Heresy 30k

Imperial Fists 30k Terminators horus heresy

Imperial Fists 30k horus heresy Landraider Proteus

Imperial Fists 30k Horus heresy landraider proteus

Second game was on the same table as I was unlucky/lucky and against a inductii feel no pain horde of World Eaters and Angron.
I approached it in the same fashion, castle up and bait the main horde into it and then outflank and deep strike into the scoring area while picking apart important threats one at a time. The abundance of lascannons and melta in my army really helped negate FNP rolls and with some clever positioning/shooting I even sniped out apothecaries quickly as most people put them in the rear of a squad. I kited Angron the whole match and kinda felt bad about it until my terminators failed a 4 inch charge and at something like 36 wounds from a half dead inductii squad that then charged them. I ended up winning again by playing keep away with my scoring units in the opponents backfield and blocking any chasers with my tanks as fists will make a wall out of anything... even their own men and machines if needed. My opponent like all the other dudes at the event was a champ and good dude with great hobby energy and sick army.

Imperial Fists Terminators

Here is the first rounds armies and tables as a bonus!

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Word Bearers Horus Heresy 30k Project: Tanks Tanks Tanks!

Testing out a new paint scheme for a Word Bearer force for 30k I am putting together on the side of my other projects because cause I am a terrible person and can never just finish one project at a time!

Going for a deep dark look with these guys with what is going to be very sharp edge highlighting of bright reds. Hopefully this will give them a more evil/daemonic look.

Paint recipe is the usual, black base, white highlight on raised with the red base colour over the top of that. Red used is Vallejo model air Mahogany. Big change from my usual though was a coat of Darkenhoff Nightshade GW wash that was not watered down. This gave that really deep almost black red look I was chasing. This first pic below is pre wash:

And now post wash. You can see the huge leap in depth and smooth contrast the wash gives.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Armies on Parade from the 30k Brothers Revenge Doubles Event

So last weekend I was fortunate enough to finally have my 30k Dark Angels painted and present for the Brothers Revenge doubles event hosted by The Warriror Lodge. It was a 850 points per army doubles event with the only real prize being a FAT Mat for best painted/Best sportsman, which I feel really helps lower the crazy mean competitive streak that usually poisons many 40k events.

My partner Jacob brought along his freshly done Ad Mech Taghmata army and boy did it soak up so much of our battles shooting, so much so his valiant robot meat shields inspired me (as well as book 6) to start a Dark Mech Cybernetica force!

All up Jacob and I won 2 out of 3 matches and placed 3rd! We were pretty chuffed at that as we pretty much just pumped out some painted stuff we had on hand and played for fun. There was heaps of painted armies on heaps of wonderful tables to play on. Big shout out to Frontline Gaming for the sexy mats and also to the two Issacs for putting together and supplying so much terrain for the event.

Enough waffling on here are the pictures of the day, First up is all the armies on parade for the day during the judging and then some battle shots of our games.