Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts

Monday 25 September 2017

40k Raven Guard Successor Army WIP Part 2: Paint it black....and purple!

Almost finished the Raven Guard successor recon force I have been working on, the purple iridescence armor has come out alright I think. I was suss on the bases but whatever they seem to work. The stormravens are spooking me with having to wash them due to the large flat surfaces haha, anyway here are the pics so far. Painting with washes and metals is fun but defiantly a new challenge for me and took me out of my comfort zone, would love to try some emperors children or alpha legion with the same technique just for a laugh.

Oh and seems this first pic of the Rievers got picked up by GW on Instagram and are now part of the product page previews!

Raven Guard Succussor 40k 8th edition force
Raven Guard Succussor 40k 8th edition force
Raven Guard Succussor 40k 8th edition force
Raven Guard Succussor 40k 8th edition force

Thursday 17 August 2017

Cerastus Knight Atrapos finally done...... well, mostly done.

For once I have actually finished a project! I got this sexy Atrapos last year and have been tinkering at it for a while now in between armies. I was using it mostly for my 30k forces but as I am winding it down into more 8th edition 40k.

Cerastus Knight-Atrapos

The biggest tip of course is paint your Knights armor plates separate and please for the love of god make a big center piece model like this have a cool pose!!! I see way to many fantastic paint jobs on these big models ruined by the static and utterly boring poses, put some love into it! I themed this guy around a rogue or rebel Mechanicus force, so lots of suspicious runes and techno jargon symbols instead of the usual numbers and imperial symbols, anyway hope you like it!

Cerastus Knight-Atrapos

Cerastus Knight-Atrapos

Cerastus Knight-Atrapos

Monday 26 June 2017

40k 8th Edition Projects: Drukhari as Larry, Bleached Blonde Bones

All hail our 40k 8th edition overlords, its finally arrived! With a few test games under my belt I can confidently say 40k is back on the menu boys, and to celebrate I have dug deep into my hobby larder and started work on a long time dream of a bright yet dirty Drukhari (Dark Eldar) army.

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

I picked up some super good army deals from local lads selling old projects to fund them buying the new starter and now have about at least 3k points worth of Drukhari to paint............. so lets get to it!

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

I recently painted up and sold off a 30k Deathguard army and really took to the dirty worn bleached bone look with heaps of weathering and really wanted to try it on a Xenos army to combat all the primaris marines that will be popping up now with the starter set. The big change from my Heresy Death Guard scheme to Drukhari will be using vibrant purples and slick blacks as the contrasts colors to make them stand out on the table

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

 I managed to get trounced in a test game with a mate of mine on the weekend but at least the army is starting to look good haha. For sure I am getitng more wracks and dark lances painted first for sure.

annnnnd to finish off here is a sneak peak of the next project cooking in the background..... love me some cheap starter set splits :)

Monday 8 February 2016

Warrior Lodge Opening day, New Club For North Brisbane

So while stuck here in Australia while the Heresy weekender was happening I attended and helped to run a new club here in sunny North Brisbane  or found on the Facebook group

Isaac and Isy have done a huge job organising and running things for this club and all in the name of rolling dice with cool dudes in a chilled environment. Events are already planned for the rest of the year including two 30k doubles events and some 40k ITC events as well!

Here is some pics from the day, we can run 10 tables at a time with full terrain and FAT Mats for each and enough styles to cater for anything played on all popular systems including Xwing, Hordes, 30k, 40k and the Fantasy range and soon some fully decked out Mordheim tables

My Night Lords got a tad beaten up by some nasty firedrakes on the day but was great playing at the new local!


Friday 18 December 2015

Slaanesh Chaos Space Marines Test Models Painting with some Bling

So being the typical hobby butterfly I am skipping from project to project looking for something sweet for my next fix is just how it goes. I have always wanted to do a non typical paint job on Slaanesh marines as pink, bright pink, dark pink and maybe some black seems to be the staple. I have a few dark vengeance models laying around and decided to see what I could whip up.

Slannesh Chaos Space Marines
 I went for a really gold trimmed blinged out look with a bone/cream base. I think I need to work more on the recess shading but the theme works well across the marines and the cultist.
Slannesh Chaos Space Marine cape

Thursday 17 December 2015

Khorne Daemonkin 40k WIP: Flesh Hounds, Test Models and a Khorne Lord on a Jugger

So while all this Heresy business is going on I have been working on a 40k Khorne Daemonkin army as well. I really don't like the older and well out of date GW flesh hound sculpts and as every good Daemonkin general will tell you Flesh Hounds are the work horses of the army. With Scout, beast, move through cover, good formation rules that give hammer of wrath attacks and being able to have them bubble wrap a lord on a jugger is awesome.

So I grabbed a bunch of alternate models from puppetswar and got to work Khorning them up to match my silver, bone and red scheme for the army.

Khorne Daemonkin

A completed unit of 5 only 11 more to go!
Khorne Daemonkin

And the lord that they will be escorting across the battlefield as quickly as possible, he is only 50% done but coming together ok. I used terminator legs and chucked on the AOS Khorne standard bearer body with a quick head swap.
Khorne Daemonkin
A whole table to primed models done as well, note the horde of cultists.....mhmmmm cultists!
Khorne Daemonkin