Showing posts with label Dark Mechanicum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Mechanicum. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Horus Heresy 30k Projects, Mechanicum and Raven Guard: Dark Mechanicum Legio Cybernetica Painting Part 3 and Part 1 Raven Guard

My love for killer robots is unending and as such I have got my hands on some new addition to my Dark Mechanicum 30k army.

WIP Myrmidon Destroyer painting 30k

painting WIP Myrmidon squad 30k Heresy
I couldn't help myself and with a cheeky Myrmidon Destroyer unit for a solid addition to my Zone Mortalis lists, also a Macrotek with some servitors for cheap flamers and a Grav imploder.

WIP Mechanicum 30k horus heresy
The Knight Atrapos is a monster and will fit in very well as the lord of war choice for larger games and the new Vultarax Stratos-Automata is a vehicle hunting, haywire spitting drone of violence.

On the burner as well is an idea for a small 1250point 30k Raven Guard list. One of the biggest things I have learned about ZM games is mobility is king. The ability to forward deploy via infiltrate, scout or outflank is a massive game changer in ZM. Lots of first time players of ZM will bring very heavy slow units that only have a few counter but then due to the objective based nature of the majority of missions find themselves left out in no mans land or out of the action due to slow movement and the inability to quickly redeploy.

Raven Guard 30k test model WIP  
My idea for a Raven Guard paint scheme comes from the actual bird itself, the plumage of Ravens looks pure black from a distance but up close you will see they have a purple iridescent sheen to them. I wanted to try and replicate this somewhat on the actual marine models to try and move away from a pure black scheme. I achieved this by basing the model silver, then 2 coats of purple wash and then 2 coats of black wash. This was a quick and dirty test model but the effect did come through! with the static photos its hard to tell, but in reality on the table it looks black until a light source hits it and then the iridescent purple sheen shows through! Pretty happy and will now look at refining the process and mass producing a squad or two.
Raven guard 30k test model painting WIP
With Raven Guard you get all your infantry infiltrating and units such a vets or Mor Deythan squads coming with scout on top of that. In light I want to run a force with the theme of ship to ship infiltration or vacuum combat, think of this army as Raven Guard who conduct sabotage and infiltration of space stations, ships and the like in the cold vacuum of space but in a sneaky fashion. So lots of more heavy armour marks as opposed to the Mk4 to Mk6 you see most Raven Guard forces in and a heavy core of void hardened Mk3 for durability and space combat.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Brothers Revenge 2 ElectricBoogaLoo 30k Horus Heresy Doubles Event!

So Yesterday was the second 30k event for the Warrior Lodge club here in sunny Brisbane, Australia. We have been working hard to bring a friendly and chilled atmosphere to the 30k scene and to the club as a general rule

I finally finished painting my Scoria delivery system army and had a blast watching him eat all the HQs and elite units people would feed him only to find out his hunger for tears is infinite.

We had a great turn out with a good diversity of lists and all the painted armies on the painted terrain with FAT MATS was a nerds dream to see and play on. The work that has gone into furnishing the clubs gear has really paid off. If your in the area hit up TheWarriorLodge on facebook for times and days or just a chat. We play almost all the major systems out there not just Heresy.

Anyway here some of the pics I took on the day, I was going to get heaps more but I was hellishly sick the whole day and was just happy to be present and able to roll dice!

And here are some "action" shots of my teams games

Sunday 12 June 2016

Night Lords Kharybis and Dreadclaw, Word Bearers troops and Scoria works in progress for multiple Horus Heresy projects

Busy couple of weeks and finally got my Night Lords forge world drop pods in the mail so I was keen as beans to get these at least built this week and base coated. Also while I was waiting with baited breath for them to arrive I was working on some more dark channeled Word Bearers troops because why not!

So the Kharybis and Dread claw are pretty challenging to assemble but a real pain to paint. The multiple legs, fins and spikes make for a real paint to try and get smooth total coverage on all the panels in 1,2,3 or in my case 4 passes............

My Word Bearers desperately needed more bodies after putting together and painting all those tanks last time, so I cranked out some more conversions based off the dark vengeance and betrayal at calth boxes.

And to round it all off I got a little bit more work done on Anacharis Scoria, woo!

Saturday 14 May 2016

Anacharis Scoria Horus Heresy 30k Project: Dark Mechanicum Legio Cybernetica Army Building and Painting Part 2

Progress on my Scoria conversion as well as some progress on my Thanatar Calix and Domitar battle automata. Continuing on my paint scheme for the rest of the army of dirty metal and worn bronze I feel it fits the early Dark Mechanicum 30k theme. Scoria's model is a real monster to paint there is just so many details on his Abeyant and himself. The Domitar and Thanatar Calix are a dream to paint on the other hand, lots of simple armor plates and cabling. Note this is just the early stages, I will bring the cables down with a wash of dark green and then build them back up with bright green highlights to make them come across and evil and spooky. 

I was thinking lava bases for these guys but might leave it until I am happy with the models once finished just in case I change my mind. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Anacharis Scoria Horus Heresy 30k Project: Dark Mechanicum Legio Cybernetica Army Building and Painting Part 1

Anacharis Scoria is legit a face smashing army buffing monster, and as such will be leading my Dark Mechanicum Cybernetica army I am quickly trying to assemble. This article will show my conversion attempt for Scoria and which was made all the harder due to the only official art that exists is a head shot portrait of him (including cute evil spider familiar), so no body shots or real description of his appearance or his Xanathite Abeyant.

Scoria's rules and book 6 entry build him up to be the arch heretic that overthrew the Xana forge world during the heresy. He uses the warp to infuse his creations with a bestial and primal intelligence that makes them a handful in close combat. He is credited with creating one of the first hellforges and is all round a cool dude if your a heretic. My plan for converting him was a hooded head and Xana themed Abeyant. Xana's local wild life is giant scorpids and arachnids that the local Knight houses battle and use them on their heraldry. So in light of this as well as Scoria's beastial cyberthurgy buffs I want to push the arachnid look as well as some cute little spider familiars!

Models used in this conversion are: 40k GW Magos, 30k Forge world Draykavac Abeyant, several GW skull pass spider rider spider legs, tiny spiders from the GW Arachnarok giant spider kit, 40k Dark Angels mace head, and a bunch of spikes and skull from chaos marines vehicle kits. 

So there you have it, my first attempt at a Anacharis Scoria Dark Mechanicum conversion including his Xanathite Abeyant, all arachnid mechanical animaled up. I hope you enjoyed my attempt to convert a iconic character and stay tuned for more Dark Mechanicum painting and conversion as well as my usual jumping from project to project each month!