Friday 11 August 2017

40k Raven Guard Successor Army WIP Part 1: Shiney birds are best birds!

I am addicted to the new Reivers... sneaky skull helmeted crazies chopping and shooting up your backline? yes please! also they look sick, so of course I had to start a new marine army just for them. I experimented a while ago with a 30k Raven guard color scheme based on the purple iridescence of  actual ravens wing coloring. I was please with the outcome but with the failure of 30k heresy to transition into 8th edition anytime before the next ice age I have pulled out of all my 30k projects and will be selling them on as I have no love at all for the 7th ed ruleset and was only playing it for the sweet sweet 30k lore and fluff in light of 7th ed 40k being so unbalanced. So now I wanted a dark purple and black shiney Raven guard army and 40k was the format to do it in.

Reiver Primaris marines

I really wanted a more purple look on this army instead of sheer black so held back on the 3rd black wash and this allowed me too retain a strong base color coming through. As with most metallic paint schemes you first chuck down a primed layer in this case silver then build up the color tone you want with successive washes. I was able to get it down too 2x purple wash and 2x black wash and then just batch painted the infantry. The two Stormravens with have to be done via airbrush due to their large surface areas so I will attempt that once all the infantry are completed.

 Primaris Librarian 

Snuck in a cheeky primaris/cypher conversion for a captain model to suit the sneaky theme as well as a basic headswap on the primaris librarian. I am torn on bases for these guys so if you have any ideas please let me know

Monday 3 July 2017

40k 8th Edition Projects: Death Guard and Daemons slumber party adventure part 1

I had to get the new 8th edition starter box and by that logic I had to swap my marines for a 2nd Death Guard half, and by that logic I had to pull out a mess of Nurgle Daemons I had hiding in a box! It was a vicious cycle and one that is pushing me towards about 100power points or a 2k points of a combined Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons horde army.

I like the new psyker rules as well as the new phase and coupling that with the new character rules of not being targeted unless its the closest unit I am dreaming of running nothing but huge expendable chaff units swarming the board backed up and buffed by pyskers and auras galore to drown the board in putrid bodies. One catch though........ damn its a lot of models to paint!

I decided on a spooky gross green glow I utilized on a Spooky Death army I did for AOS some time ago but wanted it to be a bit darker and more gross looking.

Will look at trying to crank more of this army out asap as its a heap of fun even though its a mountain of work to go haha!

Monday 26 June 2017

40k 8th Edition Projects: Drukhari as Larry, Bleached Blonde Bones

All hail our 40k 8th edition overlords, its finally arrived! With a few test games under my belt I can confidently say 40k is back on the menu boys, and to celebrate I have dug deep into my hobby larder and started work on a long time dream of a bright yet dirty Drukhari (Dark Eldar) army.

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

I picked up some super good army deals from local lads selling old projects to fund them buying the new starter and now have about at least 3k points worth of Drukhari to paint............. so lets get to it!

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

I recently painted up and sold off a 30k Deathguard army and really took to the dirty worn bleached bone look with heaps of weathering and really wanted to try it on a Xenos army to combat all the primaris marines that will be popping up now with the starter set. The big change from my Heresy Death Guard scheme to Drukhari will be using vibrant purples and slick blacks as the contrasts colors to make them stand out on the table

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

Drukhari Dark Eldar 8th Edition

 I managed to get trounced in a test game with a mate of mine on the weekend but at least the army is starting to look good haha. For sure I am getitng more wracks and dark lances painted first for sure.

annnnnd to finish off here is a sneak peak of the next project cooking in the background..... love me some cheap starter set splits :)

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Horus Heresy 30k Event Report "Face of Oblivion": Myrmidons and the Mad Magos march to war. Warning! Post may contain army pics galore!

Trip report from the EyeofHorusPodcast event "Face of Oblivion"

Dark Mechanicus Magos Prime Malagra with Occularis and Thallax

Once again Brisbane has shown its strong 30k form with another awesome event. Tim and Michael from the Eye of Horus Podcast hosted a 1 day event at the Magic Vault here in sunny Brizvegas and as always it was a hit.

I was lucky enough to grab an invite and as this was a Centurion/Zone Mortalis event I quickly threw together some infantry based lists for my Traitor Dark Mechanicus forces. I am heavily leaning towards running a full Myrmidon cult army in the near future and this was the perfect event to try some more Myrmidon units out, they did not disappoint! I took the Mad Malagra Magos Prime again as my HQ and he personally slew two Alpha Legion Praetors in single combat and wrecked anything else that got close enough including a captured Ork Warboss that a GM dropped into one of my games! The combo of a paragon blade on a Magos combined with rad grenades and a rad furnace ensures instant death AP2 attacks all over the shop and a chainfist for back up with vehicles.

Face of Oblivion event

Face of Oblivion event 30k

Face of Oblivion 30k event

Now have some photos of all the amazing fully painted armies!

Face of Oblivion 30k event

30k Skitarii Hoplites

Myrmidons with Irradiation engines

Myrmidon Destructors

Magos 30k horus heresy

30k myrmidon and Hoplites

Big shout out to the Eye of Horus crew for running such a sweet event with great terrain and tables! not to mention the fluff and flavor they put in with all the campaign and rule sets on the day.