Thursday, 19 July 2018

40k and 30k Projects: Imperial Fists Redemptor Dread WIP - Part 1

Picked up a cheap easy build Redemptor Dread the other day on a whim for my Imperial Fists army and found it a delight to assemble and paint. I am using this as a prototype for upcoming vehicle additions for this army as I was unsure if I could pull off the wash technique on the bigger panels so here we go.

 Imperial Fists 40k Dread Metallic Yellow

I followed the Exact same process as my infantry so far for the metallic yellow:
1: spray silver and then seal with matte varnish, then wash with nuln oil
2: wash panels with cassandra yellow
3: wash panels with cassandra yellow again
4: a coat of Yriel yellow glaze on the yellow panels
5: two coats of badab black on other paneling
6: sponge on battle damage and weathering with black
7: highlight black edges and fill in battle damage with a bright silver, I use a flat brush for this
8: fill in any other details to taste!

Imperial Fists Redemptor Dread in metallic yellow 40k

Imperial Fists 40k Redemptor Dread in metallic yellow
Imperial Fists 40k Dread Metallic Yellow

1 comment:

  1. Wie Wird nach dem cassandra mit yriel yellow so ein Gold? Habs versucht bei mir wars leider nicht könntest du mir dabei helfen wie du fas yriel genau aufgetragen hast
